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Hello! I'm an illustrator, comic artist and graphic designer from Rijeka, Croatia. 

You can find additional information about my work below. Thanks for stopping by!

Short Biography

Korin(a) Hunjak is a visual artist who focuses on illustration, comics, and design, whose short comics have been collected and published in their solo comic anthology Brodski dnevnik (2023), many of which have also been published in numerous domestic and foreign comic publications. The following year they published the comic book album Kaleidoskop in collaboration with the writer Zoran Žmirić. In addition to comics, they also work in book illustration and children’s illustration, and have created many illustrated picture books.

From 2021 to 2025, they were a part of the editorial team for the award-winning art and culture magazine Strip-PREFIKS, after which they joined the speculative fiction magazine Morina kutija  in the role of a comics editor. As a part of the Croatian Author Comics Association (udruga Hrvatski autorski strip), they are involved in diverse events promoting awareness of comic culture in Croatia and beyond.

They have received several awards for their work in illustration, comics, and more, and their art has been exhibited in notable domestic and international exhibitions.

In their work, they focus on humanizing narratives, experimenting with different styles, and exploring graphic drawing.

Selected clients

Vox Feminae

Plava Laguna



Školska knjiga / Modra Lasta

 Sferakon / Sfera Mentor

Javna ustanova "Priroda"

City Museum of Rijeka

Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast

Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka 

Selected awards


Winner of the 2024 Kobo Writing Life Indie Cover Contest, in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category, with the cover for the novel A River in the Dark by the author Igor Rendić, published by Shtriga Books


Artefakt, award for best comic accomplishment, for the comic Dva je najsamotniji broj / Two is the Loneliest Number (published in the comic zine OHOHO #3), given by Fantasy Convention Rikon, Rijeka, Croatia


Young artist of the year 2021., given by the Foundation of the University of Rijeka, Croatia

Best comic magazine award, with co-editors Marko Dješka, Mihaela Erceg and Saša Paprić, for the comic magazine Strip-PREFIKS #2 (published by the Croatian Association of Comic Authors), given by Supertoon Festival of Animation and Comics, Šibenik, Croatia

First Award for best science fiction comic, for the comic Rubedo, published in Strip-PREFIKS #1, given by Sfera Society, Zagreb, Croatia


Finalist for the best children’s jury croatian picture book award Ovca u kutiji, with the picture book Zašto je Medo prestao uzdisati (published by Sipar Publishing)Croatia

Nominated for Achievements Awards – Best Work of Art, at European Science Fiction Society


Diploma for best comic script at Balkan gathering of young comic authors, Leskovac, Serbia


Finalist for the best croatian picture book award Ovca u kutiji, with the picture book Bogar i Gaguč imaju važan razgovor (published by Sipar Publishing)Croatia

Nikola Mitrović Kokan best young Balkans illustrator award, Leskovac, Serbia


First Award for best black and white science fiction & fantasy illustration, (illustration published in Eridan #13, Treći zmaj, Rijeka), given by Sfera Society, Zagreb, Croatia

Selected group exhibition appearances


The Island of Love as part of the Nova Festival 2023, gallery Milorad Bata Mihailović, Pančevo, Srbija

Godišnja izložba članova HDLU 2023., Dom hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika (Gallery Prsten and Gallery PM, Meštrović pavillion), Zagreb, Croatia


Žene i stoljeća, Muzej primenjene umjetnosti, Beograd, Serbia


Independent Illustration Biennial, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Nastavit će se… strip i vizualna kultura u Hrvatskoj, MSU Zagreb, Croatia


Komikaze Femicomix 2020, part of Tinta festival, Ljubljana


International travelling exhibition Wom@rts roaming exhibition (UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Slovenia, Viliniaus Rotušė, Lithua, Auditorio de Galicia, Spain, Akademija primijenjenih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, Communauté d’ agglomération du grand Angoulême, France, Fundación municipal de cultura Avilés, Spain, Limerick institute of technology, Limerick School of Art and Design, Ireland)


Seventh Croatian Biennale of illustration, Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, Croatia

Presence in selected publications

Stripburger (Slovenia)

CBA (Sweden)

Devetka (Macedonia)

Strip Pressing (Serbia)

Godišnjak (Croatia)

Modra Lasta (Croatia)

Strip-PREFIKS (Croatia)

Komikaze (Croatia)

OHOHO (Croatia)